Graduate Course of Nursing Science

Department of Clinical Nursing
Field of Chronic Care and Wound Management Nursing
Field of Gerontological, Rehabilitation and Mental Health Nursing

Department of Health Development Nursing
Field of Women’s Health and Environmental Child Development
Field of Community and Environmental Health Nursing

Graduate Course of Nursing Science

Nursing, as an academic field of study, is a practical science that examines the human being as an integral combination of body, mind, and social function and focuses on attempts to improve human health and quality of life (QOL).

Within the framework of the clinical practical nursing program (Department of Clinical Nursing), and within the rubric of chronic diseases and wound nursing skills, our nursing education and research focus on: (1) program and system development (related to helping patients in chronic or terminal stages of metabolic syndrome or other diseases and their family members to accept their disease, as well as their education), and (2) the development of practical nursing skills and devices to resolve physical, psychological, and social problems arising from wounds (surgical wounds, bedsores, stoma, leg ulcers, etc.). In terms of rehabilitation of aged patients and psychiatric nursing, our education and research focus on (1) the development of practical nursing skills and fall-prevention programs to improve the QOL of elderly people, disabled individuals and their family members; (2) risk management for these individuals; and (3) the development of nursing inventions and care techniques related to psychiatric diseases and mental health.

When we turn to women’s and children’s development and their health as affected by their environment, within the framework of the health and development nursing programs (Department of Health and Development Nursing), we conduct education and research concerning: (1) assessment and intervention regarding the environments of mothers and children to ensure the healthy growth and development of the children, and (2) improving practical care regarding sex and reproduction, primarily for pregnant women and women during the puerperal period. Under the theme of environmental health nursing, we conduct education and research on: (1) care, care management, and the development of regional area systems and methods of public health nursing for sick people who are staying at home and their family members, and (2) workshop environments and regional conditions that affect health.

Field of Chronic Care and Wound Management Nursing

Development and evaluation of programs and systems for the assistance and education of patients in the chronic or terminal phase of their illness and of their family members to help them accept their condition; and development of clinical nursing skills and devices to resolve physical, psychological, and social problems arising from injury

Field of Gerontological, Rehabilitation and Mental Health Nursing

Development of nursing and intervention skills to improve the QOL of elderly people and their family members; assessment and prevention of falls and dementia, and health promotion to combat these; and development of nursing techniques related to spiritual crises and mental health

Field of Women’s Health and Environmental Child Development

Study of theories on maternity and midwifery, understanding of women in pregnant and puerperal periods, and development of evidence-based nursing skills for the training of professionals in the area of women’s health; research on the influences of individuals and the environment on the mental, physical, and social development of children; and interventions for ensuring the healthy growth and development of children

Field of Public Health and Home Care Nursing

Study of theories on care management and support systems for patients under home medical care and their family members; development and evaluation of regional and community public health care systems; and examination and evaluation of the influences of the living environment (water, air, and land) and the work environment on human health_ these all constitute knowledge that is required of healthcare professionals.