Graduate Course of Medical Science and Technology

Department of Quantum Medical Technology
Field of Processing and Analysis for Biofunctional Imaging
Field of Clinical Quantitative Technology

Department of Health Development Nursing
Field of Molecular Biology for Laboratory Medicine
Field of Laboratory Oncology

Graduate Course of Medical Science and Technology

Advances in radiological tests, laboratory tests, and medical information technology play a significant role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Research on new testing techniques is indispensable for healthcare to advance. During the Master’s course, students learn the basic and clinical aspects of medical science and technology (healthcare-related sciences) and are guided to develop leadership capabilities.

Nowadays, it is recognized that medicine needs to establish new testing systems and noninvasive testing technologies that meet current healthcare circumstances and requirements. That means developing testing systems to meet the needs of the currently aging population, enhancing the technological sophistication of healthcare, and devising systems to deal rapidly with previously unknown infections or health hazards arising from environmental changes on a global scale. This means there is a pressing need for medical personnel to possess the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the overall improvement of testing techniques, as well as a need to develop educators, researchers, and expert engineers capable of serving as leaders in these fields.

Medical science and technology (healthcare-related sciences) can be divided into 2 basic areas: (1) the Department of Quantum Medical Technology (radiological testing technology), i.e., extracorporeal testing, making use of radiation, RI and magnetic resonance (quantum phenomena), and (2) the Department of Clinical Laboratory Science (bio-information technology), i.e., measuring data concerning the living body using a combination of advanced techniques. During the Master’s program, students learn medical imaging technology (how to make images of bio-information) and therapeutic technology making use of high-energy ionizing radiation. In addition, they learn clinical laboratory testing technology (how to test tissues, cells, and molecules from the body) and bio-information measuring and testing technology, using a combination of medical and engineering technologies.

Furthermore, students undertake study and research on general topics concerning the newer aspects of healthcare sciences.

In brief, the medical science and technology (healthcare-related sciences) program aims to develop top-notch and creative high-level healthcare professionals, educators, and researchers to facilitate the broadening and progress of the healthcare sciences.

Field of Processing and Analysis for Biofunctional Imaging

Study of the techniques for collecting, measuring, and processing bio-information through radiation, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound for the purpose of developing new testing methods and systems. In the master’s program, the focus is on systematic learning before application of the techniques to humans; the development of diagnostic imaging techniques for visualizing metabolic functions; functional imaging systems for providing high-quality diagnostic information at low cost; and new techniques in radiation, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound for the collection of bio-information through diagnostic imaging.

Field of Clinical Quantitative Technology

Evaluation and clinical application of technologies based on radiation, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In the master’s program, the focus is on clinical imaging and diagnosis by means of CT, MRI, etc.; acquisition and evaluation of three-dimensional images; dynamic imaging using PET and SPECT; study of tumor onset and recurrence; optimum irradiation techniques in advanced radiological treatment; and dose measurement and safety technology in interventional radiology and radiotherapy.

Field of Molecular Biology for Laboratory Medicine

Analysis of the structures and functions of bacterial toxin genes and the molecular mechanism for control of viral gene expression for the purpose of developing methods of quick, efficient testing and diagnosis of microbial infections; analysis of molecular mechanisms for development and regeneration of brain nerve systems; molecular genetics of lipid abnormalities in the study of chronic lifestyle-related disease; study of bioinformatics; and study of measuring and monitoring equipment for kinetic and sensory functions, as well as non-invasive bioinstrumentation and optical equipment

Field of Laboratory Oncology

Study of signal transduction mechanisms to induce cancer cell invasion; gene transcription control mechanisms in relation to the onset of tumors in the hematopoietic system; and dysfunction of peripheral blood T-cells, associated with immune disorders, with the ultimate goal of developing new methods of cytological and molecular biology tests