Graduate Course of Medical Science and Technology

Department of Quantum Medical Technology
Field of Processing and Analysis for Biofunctional Imaging
Field of Clinical Quantitative Technology

Department of Health Development Nursing
Field of Molecular Biology for Laboratory Medicine
Field of Laboratory Oncology

Graduate Course of Medical Science and Technology

To advance medicine and healthcare, it is essential to undertake research and development of the latest and most comprehensive technology including informatics on medical tests (laboratory tests and radiological tests), genetic diagnosis and therapy, and high-energy quantum therapy. This program strives to establish technology in this new field “Medical Science and Technology (healthcare-related sciences)”. Through education and research in the field, we will develop high-level creative professionals in Medical Science and Technology (healthcare-related sciences), as well as educators and researchers who can lead this field. Nowadays, following the sophistication of healthcare technology, the aging of the population, changes in the characteristics of diseases, global-scale environmental changes, and so on, there are numerous unresolved problems and the situation continues to evolve. Healthcare is required to cope with such changes in the overall situation. To this end, personnel with comprehensive knowledge, skills, and discerning power are required. We expect that this role will be played by those who have learned Medical Science and Technology (health-related sciences) in a comprehensive manner.

In the doctoral program, students will acquire the capabilities to establish new theories on high-tech technology and promote research on the application of such technology to healthcare from the viewpoint of healthcare engineers. Before the completion of the program, students write a research paper on Medical Science and Technology (healthcare-related sciences).

Diverse research topics are available, including medical imaging technology (radiation, RI, magnetic resonance, etc.), therapeutic technology, laboratory testing technology (tests of tissues, cells, and biomolecules), genetic diagnosis technology, and bioinformation measuring technology (fusion of molecular biology to medical engineering). This program will actively participate in industrial-academy-government collaborative research projects to facilitate research on the application of the latest quantum science, informatics, molecular biology, genetic engineering, human and mechanical systems engineering, etc. to healthcare.

We believe that those who have completed this doctoral program will further advance Medical Science and Technology (healthcare-related sciences) to contribute to the nation‘s healthcare, health promotion, and welfare.

Field of Processing and Analysis for Biofunctional Imaging

Study of techniques for collecting, measuring, and processing bio-information through radiation, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound for the purpose of developing new testing methods and systems. In the doctoral program, the focus is on the application of the techniques to humans. Research topics include: the development of diagnostic imaging techniques for visualizing metabolic functions; innovation of functional imaging systems; new techniques in radiation, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound; and the development of new functional testing methods for bio-information measuring technology.

Field of Clinical Quantitative Technology

Study and clinical application of advanced equipment and technologies such as radiation, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound. In the doctoral program, the focus is on anatomy and imaging by means of CT, MRI, PET, and SPECT and their clinical application; analysis of biologically effective doses in high-tech radiological treatment; study of tumor cell apoptosis; and reduction and optimization of exposure dose, safety technology, and clinical application of interventional radiology and radiotherapy.

Field of Molecular Biology for Laboratory Medicine

Integrated research ranging from the fundamental science of genomic information, signal transduction, and other molecular functions to its application to tests, diagnosis and treatment; fundamental research on molecular mechanisms in diseases for the purpose of developing innovative laboratory test methods; and study of molecular bases for pathogenicity of microorganisms, formation and regeneration of neural systems, lipid abnormalities, etc., for the purpose of developing testing methods by means of bioinformatics to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment.

Field of Laboratory Oncology

Development of methods for cytological diagnosis and cytological testing of tumors; molecular biology and cytological study of tumors’ sensitivity to treatment; clarification of hosts’ biological defense responses to tumors; and development of testing methods for early detection of viral infections associated with immunological abnormalities or post-transplant immunodeficiency and for evaluation of treatment.