Graduate Course of Nursing Science

Department of Clinical Nursing
Field of Chronic Care and Wound Management Nursing
Field of Gerontological, Rehabilitation and Mental Health Nursing

Department of Health Development Nursing
Field of Women’s Health and Environmental Child Development
Field of Community and Environmental Health Nursing

Graduate Course of Nursing Science

Nursing science is composed of clinical practical nursing and health promotion nursing. It is aimed at developing personnel who can contribute to advancing nursing science as high-level nursing practitioners, educators, or researchers.

Within the framework of the clinical practical nursing program (Department of Clinical Nursing), our research focuses on: (1) elucidation of valid nursing skills or creation of nursing theories for patients with metabolic syndrome or in chronic or terminal stages of other diseases and their family members; (2) development of programs pertaining to methods of education, research and evaluation; and (3) development of nursing skills and devices for patients with acute wounds or chronic wounds (bedsores, etc.). In addition, research under the clinical practical nursing program encompasses the development of programs and systems, rehabilitation nursing skills, and nursing theories pertaining to nursing intervention and prevention of falls and fractures for elderly people, disabled individuals, and their family members. It also involves the clarification and development of mental nursing skills tailored to the lifestyle of individuals and the development of programs and systems for supporting the independence of individuals facing mental crises.

Within the framework of the health promotion nursing program (Department of Health Development Nursing), research is undertaken on support to the mental and physical health of females, mothers, and children, midwifery, perinatal care, and other care systems, the formation and improvement of the lifestyle of parents and children, mother-child relationships, biorhythm and environmental issues for children, assessment of environmental factors, development of intervention techniques, and improvement of the child’s QOL. Furthermore, this program encompasses research on health promotion activities for inhabitants of local communities, care and management for sick individuals living at home and their facilities, the creation of care systems, the health of workers, and international and environmental health topics.

Field of Chronic Care and Wound Management Nursing

Creation of theories for the study of chronic-nursing technology related to nursing skills for dealing with patients with a chronic lifestyle-related illness or in the chronic or terminal phase of another illness, and for caring for their family members; development of programs for education, research, and evaluation related to such nursing skills; and development of nursing skills and devices for nursing acute injuries and chronic injuries, including bedsores.

Field of Gerontological, Rehabilitation and Mental Health Nursing

Development of nursing skills and fall-prevention programs, risk management, and creation of relevant theories with regard to elderly and disabled people and their family members; development of nursing skills for mental health management according to the lifestyles of individuals; and development of programs and systems to help patients undergoing a spiritual crisis be independent.

Field of Women’s Health and Environmental Child Development

Evaluation of practical care and exploration of evidence-based nursing skills for working with women in pregnant and puerperal periods; and development of care models and breast-feeding support systems in the area of maternity and midwifery care; and study of the environment of mothers and children and pediatric-nursing methods of intervention for ensuring the healthy growth and development of children.

Field of Public Health and Home Care Nursing

Analysis and evaluation of issues related to public health nursing, home medical care, occupational health, environmental health management, and international health management; and development of theories and methods for the support of practical activity in these fields.